Aviv David-Paris
Aviv ben Sharone v'Pesach
Mazel tov to Aviv David-Paris on being called to the Torah as a BMitzvah this Shabbat! Aviv is the son of Sharone David and Jeffrey Paris, grandson of Judy and David Paris and Ruth and Walter David (z"l). Aviv is a 7th grader at Queens School of Inquiry, and enjoys Magic the Gathering, reading fantasy novels and playing his favorite video game - deeeep.io. Aviv also enjoys playing strategic board games and a good game of chess. He likes to stay calm and centered with yoga and looks forward to going to Eden Village Camp in the summers. For his Mitzvah project, Aviv has been volunteering with Love Wins Food Pantry.
Thank You!
Sharone David {mom}, thank you for teaching me Hebrew and encouraging me to engage in Jewish activities. Judy Paris and Dave Paris [grandparents], thank you for making pizza with me and supporting my Bmitzvah. Rabbi G, thank you for hosting the whole thing and engaging in deep conversations with me. Jeff Paris <dad>, thank you for being a very fun and loving dad. Eugene Resnick, thank you for being a person who makes life more fulfilling and enjoyable. Sophie Bushwick, thank you for teaching me my haftorah and torah portion. Marina, thank you for teaching me the Jewish importance of helping others. Thank you all for being a good friend/parent/grandparent/teacher.
In Memoriam
Ruth David (grandmother), Walter David (grandfather), Peggy Carlan (Aunt), Michael Elgin (uncle)
Mitzvah Project
The Love Wins Food Pantry is a volunteer-led pantry in Jackson Heights that seeks to stop food insecurity. One of their main goals is to help deal with food insecurity in LGBTQ+ members, but they mostly serve the community at large. They operate in front of a bar (they have other locations but I go to the bar one) and hand out fresh fruits and vegetables while people come in a line with bags or carts. The (bar location) pantry operates every other Friday from 11:30-1:00.
I was looking at different food pantries in Queens and I noticed Love Wins Food Pantry. They were close to me, and seemed interesting, so I said why not reach out to them and see if I could volunteer. They were warm and receptive to me, so after I talked with them I decided to volunteer and see what it’s like. I had a positive experience (although the truck came late), so I kept going.