Malkhut at Gantry State Park
Rosh Hashanah Day 2:
Malkhut & Me and Tashlich 10/4:
Penninsuar Park Location: We will be meeting at Gantry Plaza State Park in the yellow highlighted area on the map, which the grassy area in front of the Hunters Point Queens Public Library (highlighted pink), closer to the East River (between 47th Rd & 48th Ave). If you stand facing Manhattan/the East River with the Library behind you, walk straight out to the grass and we'll be there, set up near the picnic tables on that peninsula.​ The Rainbow Playground (highlighted blue) is just to our north.

Malkhut sometimes uses other locations at Gantry Park, like North Picnic Area, which is in the pink highlighted area on the map, which is a grassy area with trees and picnic tables just north of the Community Garden, east of Center Boulevard. If you stand facing Manhattan/the East River on Center Boulevard and walk east (towards the river) on 47th Ave past a big building, you'll see the community garden. Turn right at the garden, walk on the path and you'll see us in front of the garden. Note the Rainbow Playground (highlighted blue) just south of us, towards the water.