Malkhut is Hiring!

Over the last 2 years, despite the pandemic, Malkhut's Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action has grown tremendously. It has engaged new families with children of all ages, expanded capacity for more frequent Shabbat morning prayer and meditation, and is pushing us closer and closer to our vision of a beloved community in Western Queens.
For 2022 - 2023, we are planning to grow even more! We will be increasing our Malkhut & Me programming for children ages 0 - PreK, working towards our first group BMitzvah celebration in April and expanding our Hebrew learning program and curriculum. In order to this, we need your help! Malkhut is seeking Educators, or madrichehs (the gender-neutral Hebrew word for “guide”), to lead bi-monthly sessions for the Youth Institute. The madrichehs’s main areas of focus will be in teaching Jewish holidays, with an emphasis on Jewish culture, values, diversity, and social justice.
Note: Women, LGBTQ individuals, Jews of color, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Please take a look at the above job descriptions and spread the word! If you are already part of our community and feel like these positions are a good fit for you, please apply!
We're also holding age-appropriate programming and offering childcare during the High Holidays, so we're looking for educators and childcare providers.
For more information and to learn how to apply: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Educators
For more information and to learn how to apply: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Childcare Providers
With your help, we can ensure that our children—new and returning—can continue to have colorful, vibrant, musical, and welcoming experiences with Malkhut.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us.