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Mirabelle Medwed

Meira Ya'ara bat Miriam v'Yonatan

Mirabelle Medwed, daughter of Marnie Davidoff and Jonathan Medwed, goes to P.S. 122Q Mamie Faye and is in the eighth grade. She enjoys rock-climbing, baking, creating jewelry, and reading. Mirabelle is passionate about women’s rights and equality, which is the topic she’s focusing on for her Mitzvah Project.

Thank You!

I would like to thank the following people who helped me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah.
Sharone David who taught me how to read Hebrew even though I started out knowing close to nothing.
Cantor Miriam Eskenasy who worked with me weekly to not only teach me my Torah portion, Haftorah portion, and prayers, but also to check in with me as a person. She gave me so much support throughout this process and I wouldn't be where I am without her.
Rabbi G who taught me what it means to have a Bat Mitzvah, supported me with my Dvar Torah, and was the one to give me my Hebrew name. 
Emily Herzlin who worked with our group, teaching us how to develop an understanding of the Torah.
Marina Nebro who helped me to contribute to my community in ways that reflect my values, and to appreciate the importance of doing so.
Lastly, my parents who guided me throughout this experience. 

In Memoriam

Allen Davidoff (grandfather), Howard Medwed (grandfather), Mameve Medwed (grandmother)

Mitzvah Project

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