Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action
Click here for descriptions of the programming for each grade level, as well as our mission and vision
We are excited to announce our 2024-2025 (5785) year of Youth Institute programming! Scroll down or click here to register!
We are implementing a new Early Bird pricing structure for K-6th Grade.
Early Bird rates are no longer available.

Community United Methodist Church, 81-10 35th Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
0-PreK: Malkhut & Me
Kindergarten-1st Grade: Shtilim (Saplings)
2nd-3rd Grade: Anafim (Branches)
4th-6th Grade: Mekhinim (Preparers)
7th-8th Grade: Olim (Going Up)
9th Grade+: Teen Program
At least one adult is required to attend Shabbat morning services alongside their child's participation in the Youth Institute program from ages 0-BMitzvah.
Malkhut & Me Full Class Pass: $225 (Partners)/$300 (Not Yet Partners)
Malkhut & Me Half Class Pass: $120 (Partners)/$160 (Not Yet Partners)
First Child (Shtilim-Mekhinim): Early Bird $1,000; Regular $1,200
Additional Child (Shtilim-Mekhinim): Early Bird $800; Regular $1,000
Olim: $1,000 + BMitzvah Fee
Mekhinim Hebrew (5th & 6th Graders Only): $500 (You must be registered for Saturday mornings in order to attend Mekhinim Hebrew.)
Teen Program: $160
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
September 7 (Kickoff) & 21
November 2 & 16*
December 7
January 4 & 18*
February 1
March 1 & 15*
April 5
May 3 & 17
June 7 & 21*
Please note that Olim students & Mekhinim Hebrew students have additional dates associated with their programming, generally on Wednesdays.
*Teen Program Dates
9:30 AM - Shtilim, Anafim, Mekhinim programs begin; Morning meditation for adults (Olim invited)
10:00 AM - Shabbat morning services for adults + Olim
10:45 AM - Malkhut & Me Schmooze
11:00 AM - Malkhut & Me Begins
11:00 AM - Olim & Adult Torah Study / Torah Service
11:45 AM - Communal Blessings
12:00 PM - Potlucks on the 1st Saturday of the month
12:15 PM - Teen Program
Malkhut Partnership: All families with children in Kindergarten+ must become Malkhut Partners at the appropriate level in addition to the above tuition costs.
Click here if you would like to participate in Malkhut's Youth Institute Payment Plan for children in Kindergarten+. Any registrations after August 16 must follow regular pricing, not Early Bird pricing.
Additional Dates of Note:
Friday, September 13 - Shababa Jackson Heights
Thursday, October 3 - Rosh Hashanah Children's Program
Friday, October 4 - Tashlich in Gantry Park with Malkhut & Me
Saturday, October 12 - Yom Kippur Children's Program
Saturday, October 19 - Shabbat in the Sukkah
Friday, November 8 - Shababa Jackson Heights
Saturday, December 21 - Shabbat Services with childcare provided
Friday, Saturday 10 - Shababa Jackson Heights
Saturday, May 3 - Siyyum Ceremony for Olim Students
Saturday, May 10 - Group BMitzvah Ceremony
We highly recommend attendance at the above programs, additional fees may apply. For more special days, please check our YISA calendar.
Volunteer Responsibility
Malkhut & Me Parent Volunteer responsibilities:
Arriving early (around 10:30 AM)
Taking attendance (a roster will be provided to you) & marking down drop-ins
Holding space/serving as a Malkhut ambassador (you will be provided with all the information you will need)​
Shtilim-Olim Volunteer Responsibilities: ​
Volunteering is a required component of being fully engaged with Malkhut's Youth Institute program. As part of registration, we are asking for everyone with a child in Kindergarten through BMitzvah to choose at least 3 volunteer opportunities throughout the year on Friday evenings in LIC or Saturday mornings in Jackson Heights. There are additional opportunities for holidays, let us know if you're interested. Click here to learn more about what it means to be a greeter, challah bringer, grape juice pourer, and potluck point person!