Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action

Mission: We aim to provide a safe and engaging space for the youngest members of our community to explore their multifaceted Jewish identities and connection to the Jewish values of compassion and lovingkindness. By hosting this programming on Saturday mornings, we envision the growth of a beloved and intergenerational Shabbat community, and the fostering of a spiritual practice of prayer, mindfulness, and social action.
We are devoted to exploring the diversity and plurality of what it means to be Jewish, and aim to do so through creating an inclusive and collaborative space. Payment plan options are available in order to make our educational offerings as accessible as possible.
Curriculum: Our year together brings students on a Jewish values journey. Each session is informed by an overarching theme - limud torah (learning Torah), teshuvah (returning and reflection), b'tzelem elohim (in the image of God), ahavat olam (loving all humankind), chesed (lovingkindness), gevurah (strength and power), and tzedek (justice). Holidays and Torah stories are interrogated through this lens, providing students with a culturally relevant framework for exploring their Jewish identities and connecting their Jewish learning to their broader community and world.
Teachers: At Malkhut, we see our teachers as guides and fonts of knowledge to aid in your child's exploration of their Jewish identity. For this reason, we refer to them as madrichimot (educational guides). Learn more about our madrichimot here!
Ages: The Youth Institute encompasses all of Malkhut's children's programming.
*Due to our cohort system, there are times when a 6th grader will be in Mekhinim or an 8th grader will be in Olim. We are age-inclusive. If you have a child who is beginning their Jewish education journey later in life, let us know and we can discuss the best fit for you!
Important note: Malkhut is a start-up community with limited staff. In order to provide quality programs at affordable rates, we rely on volunteers to ensure the success of our events! Volunteering feeds into our vision of building a beloved, active, intergenerational community. All families that register for Youth Institute programming will be asked to sign up for volunteer opportunities on Saturdays, Fridays, and special events, including but not limited to:
Bring and pour grape juice for kiddush
Bring pre-cut challah for kiddush
Potluck point person
Malkhut & Me Parent Volunteer (for Malkhut & Me parents only)
Chanukah Helper
Purim Planner

Malkhut & Me
Join us to sing, celebrate Shabbat, and make new friends. Malkhut & Me is our twice-monthly program for kids from birth through pre-K along with their grownups. It meets on the first and third Saturday of every month. Our music madricheh will lead an interactive musical session to help families celebrate Shabbat together.
Ages: Infants to Pre-K and their grownups
Dates: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM, followed by communal prayer and occasional potlucks
Volunteer Information: When you volunteer as a Class Parent, your responsibilities include
Arriving early (around 10:30 AM)
Taking attendance (a roster will be provided to you) & marking down drop-ins
Holding space/serving as a Malkhut ambassador (you will be provided with all the information you will need)
And don't worry! You will be able to enjoy the Malkhut & Me programming just as you normally would with your child.
If you are unable to commit to the full year, you can join us by signing up for a drop-in session here!
Malkhut is a proud partner of PJ Library!
Shababa Jackson Heights
92NY Shababa and Malkhut are joining forces to bring you joyful, Jewish family celebrations in Jackson Heights, Queens! Join us, once a month, for singing, dancing, blessings, and a warm community gathering. After the music, stick around to schmooze and enjoy a kid-friendly, vegetarian meal. A local, Malkhut family has graciously offered to host us in their home.
Ages: Recommended for families with kids ages 0-6
Dates: September 13 & November 8, 2024
Time: 5:15 PM
Shtilim, Anafim, Mekhinim
Saplings, Branches, Preparers
Students will be separated into age-appropriate groups with a highly trained madricheh or educational guide. During their twice-monthly sessions, they will experience prayer, music, and mindfulness, while learning about Jewish holidays, Jewish values, the diversity of Jewish experience, and Jewish commitment to social justice. Mekhinim students will join Torah services on the 3rd Saturday of the month with their madricheh (around 11:00 AM).
Saturday Morning Schedule
Ages: Kindergarten - 5th Grade; At least one adult is required to attend Shabbat Morning Services
Dates: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Mekhinim Hebrew (Next availability in Fall 2024)
Ages: 5th & 6th Grade
Dates: Check calendar
Time: Wednesdays, 5:00 PM
Students must be enrolled in Shabbat morning program.
Olim: A Group BMitzvah Experience
Olim means "going up." The Olim program provides a community-centered BMitzvah journey for Malkhut’s teen and tween members, instilling confidence in their multicultural and multiracial Jewish identities and experiences, and integrating them into our adult spiritual community with their parents and guardians. This journey includes prayer & mindfulness, Torah study, prayer book Hebrew and trope learning, social justice work, a weekday activism trip to Albany, and family sessions. This is a two-year cohort experience, with start dates of Fall 2025, Fall 2027...
Ages: 6th grade & up; Students will start Olim in their 6th or 7th grade year, and complete the program in 7th or 8th grade; Wiggle room will be given to slightly older students who have yet to experience a BMitzvah. At least one adult is required to attend Shabbat Morning Services with their child.
Pre-requisites: Previous participation in Malkhut's Youth Institute; Hebrew decoding skills or participation in Mekhinim Hebrew.
Dates: Check our Olim Manual
Saturday Morning Schedule
Dates: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Content: 1st Saturdays include Olim group Torah study and potluck; 3rd Saturdays include Torah service; Olim are also invited to 9:30 AM meditation.
Wednesday Schedule (2024-2025)
Social Justice (8 sessions)
Dates: Check calendar
Time: Wednesdays, 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
There will also be a day-trip to Albany some time in March.
Family Sessions (3 sessions)
Dates: September 11, January 15, May 21
Time: Wednesdays, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Dinner will be provided.
Rehearsals (7 sessions)
Dates: March 19 & 26, April 2, 9, & 23, April 30*, May 8*
Time: Wednesdays, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (extended sessions go until 7:00 PM)
*Extended sessions include pizza dinner.
Post-BMitzvah Teen Program
While our Post-BMitzvah students are fully acknowledged as adults in the Malkhut community, we recognize their need for age-appropriate community building and learning. This 4-session program is a way for teens to maintain bonds with their friends while diving deeper into holiday ritual, Torah learning, and lifecycle awareness. Lunch is provided!
Ages: 8th grade and up; must have completed the Olim BMitzvah program or post-BMitzvah age
Dates: November 16, January 18, March 15, June 21
Time: 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM